Friday, July 22, 2011

Checking out Czech One Last Time

After we both logged our morning runs we showered-up, packed our rooms, and went out for our morning cappuccinos before our noon Czech bound shuttle arrived. Our driver showed up timely and we were quickly on our way out of Austria toward Cesky Krumlov. The drive was great as we were the only ones in the car besides a solo Australian traveler headed in the same direction. We all took little catnaps along the way making our three-hour drive pass in no time.

Our driver brought us straight to Penzion Onyx, our bed & breakfast for the next two days. We were greeted right away by the owner Peter and given a thorough overview of the accommodations and city offerings. After stashing our bags in the room and having a quick snack, we headed out to explore the town.
As you can see, Cesky Krumlov is a photographer’s paradise. By no means, do our photos reflect the beauty offered by the impressive scenery, but I’m sure that if we had more than our snap-n-shoot camera, Ansel Adams would be rolling around in his grave with excitement. The town is essentially based upon three small “islands” that are bound by a river that literally snakes its way around each land formation. Surrounding the town is a beautiful green thick lush forest that rolls through the infinite hillsides.

Today we quickly browsed the town’s castle (protected by a couple of bears) and walked the streets hoping to more thoroughly explore Cesky Krumlov in the morning. After familiarizing ourselves, we stopped by a riverbed café for a drink and dessert but after seeing the food around us decided to also order a meal to share. We chose a traditional pheasant meal that was accompanied by three different types of potato side dishes mixed with various grains, beans, and spices. The meal was astounding and Jennifer was pheasantly surprised at how good her bird tasted. We capped our dinner off with Czech cake that was a essentially a cross between a blueberry pastry and cheese cake.

The evening was capped off with a bottle of wine back at our B&B and some friendly conversation with our host Peter. Sam had his match for a talker as the two kept each other busy jabbering well past Teah’s bedtime. In addition to some friendly conversation, Peter was kind enough to assist us in planning our departure from Cesky Krumlov and what would serve us best for getting back to the states.
We are looking forward to another lovely day in Cesky Krumlov and getting to know this quaint town much more intimately tomorrow.

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