Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Not so Tasty Karlovy Vary

With little planned for the day besides catching a late night bus and train for Poland, Sam decided to take the time and log his long run for the week. The weather was perfect with a light sprinkle and Jennifer directed Sam to an ideal running location that she found during her jog yesterday. Once out of the city, the road followed a river that was surrounded by beautiful lush forests and fauna everywhere the eye could see. The terrain looked very similar to the fishing streams in “A River Runs Through It” and reminded Sam of his days in Boise, Idaho. The scenery, and weather made the 12-mile run come and go with little difficulty.
After returning to the hotel, we showered up, threw our belongings together and left our bags with the concierge so we could cruise the town for the next six hours before catching our bus back to Prague. Our first stop was to catch the funicular (cable car with ascending and descending cars counterbalanced) up to the Diana Observation Tower to catch a bird’s eye view of Kavlory Vary and the surrounding landscape. Once we arrived at the base of the tower, Sam put up a fuss demanding that the three take the elevator to the top of the observatory rather than the stairs (Sam was beginning to take back what he was saying about his run being such a breeze). From the top of the observation tower the view was quite impressive as we could see the town we had been wandering for the past few days.

Once the cable car arrived back to town we visited the Geyser Colonnade that bursts 2000 liters of water per minute up to 14 meters high. Next we set off to get lunch at a hot dog stand that looked really tasty with their sausages inserted in the middle of a fresh roll of bread. We waited 45 minutes for the lady to return to her stand where a note was left she would be back in 15. Needless to say we were a little frustrated. 

It was decided that we would table lunch for awhile and that we needed to try a couple of the towns sixteen hot springs that are know for their healing elements. We purchased our authentic sipping cup with a built in straw handle and were ready to be healed. Ends up that the water isn’t as good as the people filling giant water bottles and constantly drinking the stuff leads you to believe. Personally, we both thought the water tasted a little metallic (oh and we tried both the warm and cool fountains just to make sure that we didn’t get a bad batch). Hopefully it will at least keep us healthy through our journey.

After feeling cured from all the disease in our bodies, we decided to give lunch a second try. Jennifer suggested a spot off a side street where we ordered grilled pork with cabbage and dumplings. The meal ended up being another Czech eating success, or it could have just been that we were quite hungry from our delayed lunch. 
Since we waited so long to eat we figured we should treat ourselves to dessert before catching our bus back to Prague where we would hop aboard our Poland bound train. We headed to a cafĂ© and got a piece of chocolate cake and washed it down with Bailey’s hot chocolates topped with two inches of thick whipped cream. 

The next couple of hours were spent trying to calm Teah as she was having her first real “episode” of the trip. I don’t think the fellow passengers on the bus were too pleased with her and for all we know they were cussing us out in Czech as their heads were throbbing from Teah’s high pitched screams. Sam grabbed a loaf of bread, some cheese, salami,  and a few beers for the sleeper car aboard the train. Our little suite was quite pleasant and ideal to have as Teah was still struggling a little to calm down. Hopefully tomorrow will be a little more pleasant for her. Ohhhh, don’t worry grandparents, Teah is doing great, probably just a little tired, and not at all acting out of the ordinary for most kids… its just that she has been so easy going so far that the most mild little tantrum is out of the ordinary.

By morning we should be pulling into Krakow, Poland where our newest adventures await us.

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