Friday, July 8, 2011

Pilsners and Peckers in Prague

Very tired waiting at our second hotel for an airport shuttle for our Prague departure.
Rather than running you through all the gritty details of the frustrations we continued to run into in Atlanta when preparing to catch our flight to Prague, I will just cut to the chase and let you know that we had a very pleasant flight, met some great people, our bags arrived, and Teah was a superstar on her third flight.

Once touching down in Prague the real fun was about to begin. We were told yesterday that the odds of actually getting a final seat on the Prague flight were not that great since we were flying stand-by and therefore did not want to reserve a room prior to our arrival only to see us have to deal with a cancellation fee if we did not make it (dealing with our cancellations and lost deposits in Argentina is enough for one trip and we don’t want to do it again). 

Getting a room is not too tough these days when you have a laptop, but unfortunately Sam’s computer does not work on battery power alone anymore and our converter/adapter 220v plugs for Eastern Europe are still in Long Beach (Prague was that last place we thought we would end up when we left for South America on July 4th. Ohhh, I still had my South American plug, but that obviously does us no good in Europe). We searched the airport for something that would work with the converter we had and came up short so we ended up stopping by a mall on our way into town and buying an entirely new converter. This was not what we were hoping for but we were over-it and ready to book a room and finally check-in. We hung out in McDonald’s for the next hour (the best place to get Wi-Fi when traveling) and found a hotel that seemed to meet our needs. After hopping on another subway and running around in circles for a while we eventually found our hotel. The accommodations are very nice and all of a sudden things were beginning to roll our way for the first time this trip.

 After getting settled into our room and washing-up, we put some new clothes on and headed out for a walk with no plans but to relax, suck in the beautiful sights, grab a bite to eat and drink a couple beers (we had been wearing the same clothes for the past 4 days since Delta didn’t want us to retrieve our bags while still trying to get a flight out of Atlanta). Our journey took us along the Vltava River walkway to a nice restaurant overlooking the water. After eating a tasty salad for dinner and consuming our first Pilsner Urquell Czech beer, we headed back on the boardwalk to the 650 year old beautiful and structurally remarkable Charles Bridge.
We continued to stroll the streets for the following few hours stopping once to give Teah a feeding and then heading over to Stare Mesto, more commonly referred to as “Old Town.” Here we saw some beautiful churches and clock towers and pretty much just people watched. Prague is a truly stunning city in that no matter what streets you walk down you are surrounded by absolutely amazing structures. Most cities would be lucky to have two or three buildings of this caliber and here is a town that is built to the highest level of architectural beauty. I guess it really says something about the craftsmanship that our ancestors used to put into the art of construction hundreds of years ago.  

One last point of discussion before signing off and heading to bed is how I think another interesting theme is starting already with Jennifer on this trip. Here are two very non G-rated totally separate situations that Jennifer “stumbled” across during our walk today and seemed to find equally as interesting as all the other romantic beauty we were surrounded by throughout the day. The first sighting was a penis fountain that had two life size men taking a wiz in which their peckers were actively moving up and down and their hips would twist as they urinated into a pool below. Feel free to watch the video and judge for yourself the excitement in Jennifer’s eyes as she walks up and gazes closer at the “artistic” beauty of this fountain. 
The second head turning event Jennifer stumbled across was her sighting of the “Sex Machine Museum” that she repeatedly tried to persuade me to enter. I replied “WWJD” Jennifer and that didn’t have quite the response I was hoping for but eventually I won this battle and we moved on making our way back home (only after being followed by a crazy gypsy lady that eyed us and Teah down and then followed us for a block).    

1 comment:

  1. wow . what an adventure. I was just asking amy..."I thought that Sam and Jennifer went to Argentina?" You guys are troopers!!!!!

    Jason and Amy
