Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Voyaging to Vienna

Another busy day of packing up and lugging our gear to a train station before getting lost in a new city searching for our new hotel. We are not complaining, just letting you know about the darker side of hopping between so many foreign cities in only a few weeks.

Today we rode aboard a “Railjet” which is a much smoother and faster train than those we have been riding between our previous destinations. However, this did not make the ride any more comfortable for Teah. Besides her one rough day last week, she has been a real treat with little fuss and very little to say besides her frequent giggles and coos. Below we were able to catch her during a couple of her happy moments, but for the most part she was a real pill.  I suppose it is better on a day of travel than on one of our days when we are on a private tour or trying to sit for nice meals.
We checked into our hotel in the late afternoon and spent the remainder of our day planning the last leg of our trip. Sam made a run over to the “Billa” grocery store and grabbed a baguette, cheese, salami and a bottle of wine for dinner. We remained pretty chill enjoying the breeze from our beautiful old hotel room and sharing excitement for beginning our tour of Vienna in the morning. 

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