Sunday, July 24, 2011

Exiting Eastern Europe

With our trip coming to an end, we chose to keep it mellow for the day rather than run all around catching local buses and trains. This worked out well as we woke up to a day of drizzle that continued with showers all through the night. For the most part, we were blessed with great weather during our vacation and welcomed the rain for a change.

After another breakfast at our pension, we headed into town to catch the 9:30 Sunday mass. On our way to town we were able to hear the clock tower bells ringing for ten minutes announcing that church was about to begin. We were obviously able to follow the standard format of the mass, but the only word that we were able to understand during the service was “Amen.” It was ok though as it gave us the opportunity to give thanks for a safe and healthy journey through Europe and ask that God watch over us during our journey home to the states. Teah received a blessing during communion from the Czech priest that we hope will keep her quiet during our long flights back home.

The rest of the morning was spent at a local art café where we hunkered down from the rain drinking our coco and cappuccino. Around noon we set out to make a reservation at a restaurant that was too busy for us to eat at last night and thought we better get our names on the list ASAP. Unfortunately our dinner plans for this second round didn’t work out either as they were booked for the whole evening. Who knows, maybe they were just discriminating us due to Teah… no, she is too cute! Since the restaurant was the number one recommendation we received, we decided to stay and eat lunch there instead. The assortment of grilled meats with a baked potato and dumpling was delicious as was the chicken drumstick that we ordered as an appetizer.
We walked around the town shops for the next hour and revisited the castle for a tour of the massive garden that is approximately 1-mile in circumference. Even in the drizzle, the walk was quite pleasant and we found the garden to be our favorite of all the castles. This was unexpected as the castle as a whole is much less elaborate and famous than those in the more prominent cities that we visited. The garden had the traditional patterned flower and rose gardens but also had some beautiful parks with huge colorful old trees and a large pond to anchor the far end of the property.
After our botanical stroll we grabbed some chocolate treats from a local bakery and headed back to our bed and breakfast. Our afternoon was spent relaxing, visiting with the property owners, and preparing our bags for our journey home. 
For dinner we walked twenty minutes back into town and hit up another one of our host's recommendations. Sam ordered a stuffed chicken breast on jasmine rice and Jennifer ordered polenta with grilled veggies. We shared the dishes and like all our other meals, we were very satisfied.
Our trip was great and we are sad to be packing for home. We hope that we don’t have any trouble catching our standby flights back to LAX, but if we do, we will make the best of our time in Prague or wherever else our flights take us. We hope you enjoyed following our journey as much as we enjoyed sharing our travels.

The Semingsons

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