Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Our Last Hurrah

Well, we aren’t too much in the writing mood seeing that we are finally on our return back to Cali. Therefore, this entry will be short and filled with mostly pictures (kinda like the books that Sam prefers to read). While it will be nice to see Wilma and our other loved ones… it is hard to leave so many exciting places.
We finished Santorini in much the same manner as we started our first Greek island… doing a whole lot of nothin’ but relaxing under the sun. Gingerly we rolled out of bed, packed our bags and headed out to one of the two black sand beaches on the island. After grabbing a couple of loungers, we laid under the sun, periodically baring the brutally hot walk to the water for a refreshing dip in the beautifully clear black bottomed sea.
Around mid-afternoon we left the black beach and journeyed up to the highest point on the island. While we aren’t sure exactly what the elevation is, we were quite surprised at how high this peak point of Santorini perches above the sea. After snapping a few pics, we left to go and scout out a nice hotel pool to crash for our remaining hours before leaving to the airport.
We stumbled across a hotel with amazing views where they were kind enough to allow us to bath in their beautiful pool, rest in their chairs, and even clean-up in their poolside shower. The favor was returned by purchasing a few beers and grabbing a nice bite to eat at their restaurant during sunset.
Once our bellies were filled with rooster pasta and thirst quenched with a local white wine, we somberly made our ways to the airport to catch our flight to Athens where we would spend the evening until our 7:00 AM flight to LAX via Paris.

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