Thursday, June 17, 2010


After 24 hours of total travel time, we arrived safely in LAX  (15+ hours in the air and about 9 hours spent wasting away in airports). We were greeted by enthusiastic hugs from Jennifer's Mom and perfect southern California sunshine.

The voyage was a trip of a lifetime. We are grateful for the opportunity to have made some wonderful memories, meeting people from all around the world and seeing some of the most amazing places God has blessed us with. Most of all, we are grateful that we made it home safely to our friends and family. We saw the best of mankind everywhere we went and as a result we are coming home as we left with the exception of a nicer tan and a few souvenirs.

Thanks for following us over the past six weeks (at the time of this posting, our website has been visited 1,850 times). The process of creating this electronic journal was overwhelming at times, but knowing that people were keeping up with us along the way encouraged us to continue posting. Now that we are home, it is nice to have a record of where we went, what we saw, and stories along the way.

With Love,
The Semingsons

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