Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sleepless in Mykonos

Don’t get the wrong idea from the title… I mean sure we may be on our honeymoon, but it was nothing like that. Just read the blog and you will understand. 
We had the morning to kill before getting on our ferry to Mykonos so we did what most do in the Greek islands… we lounged around in the sun. After packing up our stuff and grabbing a bite to eat, we met up with our Aussie friends and boarded the huge ferry for our five-hour voyage to island number two.

Time was passed by chattin’ away with our friends and enjoying a friendly game of Scrabble. Sam was a little reluctant to play though because he finds games like Scrabble and Chess more like work due to the high levels of thinking that make him all stressed out. In the end though the game was fun and we all enjoyed the competition and walked away feeling like we actually worked our brains for the first time in six weeks. Although the ferry ride was long, it was a great way to see the numerous Greek islands and the beautifully bold white and blue structures that dot the terrain.
We were a little anxious about our arrival to port as we still didn’t have a place to stay. Our friends told us “don’t worry about it, just hitch a ride with one of the ‘little old ladies’ that will be waiting there trying to rent a room.” Well, we didn’t exactly find “old ladies,” but we did find a nice couple of sisters who were renting rooms their family owned and manages throughout the town. They took us to a couple different rooms before we decided on a beach location up on the hill that was a short distance from “Mykonos Town.” Along with the room, we rented a scooter as we figured it would be convenient for exploring the island in the morning before heading off to Santorini.
After enjoying the sunset with a bottle of wine on our balcony, we scooted into town for a bite to eat and to see the town center. Mykonos Town is quite a beautiful and happening place at night. We loved the small windy bright-lit streets housing restaurants, bars and shops that seem to never close. Our dinner of mussels and lamb with vegetables was scrumptious and complimented our Greek wine quite nicely.
The remainder of our night consisted of overheating in our room while being attacked by swarms of mosquitoes (or who knows what local biting insect was attacking us). No joke, we didn’t get a lick of sleep and were overheating with the sheet over our heads protecting us from the bugs that wouldn’t leave us alone. We were so uncomfortable that the last thing on our minds was what you may have though when you started this blog and began assuming why we were “Sleepless in Mykonos.”

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