Saturday, May 15, 2010

Bomberos and Dali

We got off to a late start since we got too bed around 4:00 in the morning.  Once we woke up, we took the metro to the train station to purchase our tickets for Nice, France. We then headed over to Barcelona’s largest fire station to take a tour and exchange t-shirts.  Two of the firefighters who spoke English gave us a tour of the station and the different apparatus.  Their equipment and rigs were quite different from the ones in the states and it was interesting to learn more about the bomberos (firefighters) of Spain. 

In the afternoon we headed over to the Salvador Dali museum where we viewed many of Dali’s interesting pieces.  I think Jennifer’s favorite part of the exhibit was viewing the numerous phallic representations he intertwined in his works of art. 

To our astonishment, the phallic imagery did not stop at the museum.  As we ventured down to the marina Jennifer was quick to point out a couple of men strolling down the beach in their “birthday suits.”  You can see the joy in Jennifer’s eyes in the picture below as the men strolled past her and gave her a little wink.  We enjoyed the marina and were pleased to avoid the approaching storm with dark rain filled clouds throughout the sky. 

After searching high and low for the ideal place to grab some grub we received a great recommendation from a local taking a stroll with his little dog. The restaurant/bar was very pleasant and like most of them in Barcelona was long and narrow with everyone getting to know the people around them quite well.  After struggling with the language barrier the menu created for us, we enjoyed a couple of beers and some delicious fresh clams and tuna. 
The night ended with us packing our bags for the morning while enjoying a complimentary mini-bottle of chilled champagne to “welcome us” to their hotel.  After getting our things together, Sam was kind enough to rally and venture out in the rain to fulfill Jennifer’s sweet tooth.  We found a nice little café in the center of Barcelona’s largest plaza and had a couple of glasses of wine with our chocolate cake.  It ended up being the perfect night to conclude the first stop of our voyage.

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