Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mediterranean Bound: Our Departure… first delay and most importantly first friend

Sam's cousin Todd was kind enough to give us a lift to the airport and send us on our way to Europe.  Shortly after arriving to LAX we discovered that our flight was 4 hours delayed due to the ash cloud from the Icelandic volcano.  Despite this forcing us to miss our connection to Barcelona, the gentleman checking us in was very kind and worked wonders getting us the last 2 seats on a flight to Barcelona without any further delay.

While waiting in line, we met our first friend of the trip... a Danish man named Michael who was in the states working on his next movie production.  To pass the four-hour delay, we shared a few beers with Michael, learned about his career, family and his native country.

The first leg of our flight was 10 1/2 hours with entertainment and food better than anticipated.  While Jennifer was busing snoring logs (shortly after "picking the movie") Sam was busy fighting his first hangover of the trip from the numerous beers we shared with Michael and the mediocre mini-bottle of wine he had on the flight.  We both eventually got a few hours of sleep, providing us the energy to fuel our long dash to the next gate for our final flight to Barcelona.

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