Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hello Barcelona… or shall I say “Bar-tha-lona”

The flight from Paris to Barcelona was short and sweet with beautiful views along the way.   After making our first currency exchange, we hopped on a bus to the center of the City.  Sam failed to listen to Jennifer's recommendation for taking the metro to the hotel as he thought it was close by.  The irony of this decision was that Sam's backpack was literally 20 lbs. heavier and he was wearing flip-flops (opposed to Jennifer's running shoes) for the 1.5 mile walk down some shady streets.  

Checking in to Tryp Hotel was a headache to say the least... but we will leave it at that as we made a pact to not let frustrations hinder the excitement we have for this trip.  Okkkk, I can't quite do that: the check-in host was about as friendly as a baboon at the zoo, our Eurorail tickets that had already been signed for were no where to be found, the "baboon" made less than a diligent effort looking for the package, and the premier upgrade we were promised for the first night of our honeymoon consisted of a first floor room with views of air conditioning units and antennas.  With that said, we still kept high spirits and looked forward to a good night sleep and great trip after our 15 hour journey.  

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