Monday, May 17, 2010

Exploring Cinque Terre

We finally were able to sleep in this morning and didn’t crawl out of bed until close to noon.  Once we got up, we started our way across the five towns of Cinque Terra.  Due to recent rain, we could only walk the first leg of the hike and then rode the train between the other towns.

Along the hiking path, we walked along the ocean cliffside, through the lovers’ tunnel, and stopped to have a drink at a little café located on the bluff.  While enjoying our beer, we chatted with some English speaking travelers about their journeys and sought advice about our future stops. 
The other four towns were all beautiful and similar in their architecture, city planning, and ambience.  After arriving by train to each village, there was often long hikes throughout the towns. 
We stopped half way through our journey for a quick bite to eat and we couldn’t forget our daily gelato. By the time we finished exploring the fifth town, we were anxious to head home and have another relaxing evening. 

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